'Homeless Lockdown Diaries' is a project for anyone currently experiencing homelessness during COVID19.

The project involves 1-on-1 virtual workshops, via phone or video call, to build technical skills in taking good-quality video on smartphone, storytelling and self-representation. These are open to anyone who has access to a phone (or camera) and is currently experiencing homelessness of any kind.



I’ll be running personalised 1-on-1 workshops with anyone currently experiencing homelessness. These workshops will focus on:

  • How to achieve good-quality video on a smartphone

  • How to send videos

  • The basics of good storytelling



While the government and mainstream media might tell us otherwise, coronavirus does discriminate. People experiencing homelessness are among the most exposed and at risk of the virus and those without homes are now more vulnerable than ever before.

This is meant to be an empowering process, with people experiencing homelessness able to take control of their own narrative and control what is being said about them and how they're being portrayed.

All the videos are self-shot, and therefore self-censored, and even once participants have sent videos to us, they have the option to retract the videos (or specific parts) at any point. Any edits will be sent to participants before publishing anywhere - those taking part have total authority over their own image. The project is also entirely socially distanced.


If you’re interested, get in touch via the contact form below. No commitment necessary, I just want to hear your story.